See u.....

Finally i see u.....(:
Wow, last nite was awesome with together..... enjoy!!

Tired Day...huhuhu

Today, sgt penat... Da la mcm 2, blek keja pn smpt kena mrh lg.. Mood bos xberapa baik dsbbkn staf wat hal...
Rsa xbest sgt2.. Um, lg 4hari sa smpe miri.. Tp sebarang persiapan pn blom wat lg.. Keja terlalu byk n my mind turut ikut serta..Xdpt sa bygkan kalo sa bhnti keja, ble ka org 2 wat sehbis baik.. Kdg2 pning juak pkir sal ne..
Pa2 pn, thnks a lot for my bos, David Fok.. Bcoz of him, sa dpt byk pengethuan sal komputer, sal akaun walaupun sdikit, sal berbudi bhs ngn org len, teach me how to respect org lain.. 2nd, thanks for Robert Fok. Bcoz of him, sa Dpt bljr smtng sal part2 laptop, pc, n dpt jual hasil keringat sndri, mmg berpuas hati.. N sory to bos n robert if I do smthng tht can be hurt u all.. Bekerja ngn kmu org mmg puas hati.. Rsa sedih plak..huhuhu.. N I will miss both of u..hihi.. Thanks again...:)..


So far hidup kli ne ok la....hehehehe.....Now kt Yen2 Teleshop, online...... pa nk share arr?????
lma juak mok update blog, now bok da msa... today kn cuty.... law x, xdpt la on9.....hihihih
Actually, bln ne anne otw g miri... rindu sgt2 khidupan kt miri.... 1stly ngn someone who always caring bout me.... miss my cousin2, miss eda, qilah, amate, kimu, miss apis comstar, miss eka, miss sue n gg n all of them... byk sgt nma mok taip..hihihihi.... 27 bln ne smpai kalo xda halangan....hihihih.... cant wait..hihihih
cta sal keja.... mmg bz sgt.... smpai xda masa mok on9..hihihih.... tp kalo xb'keja  nnti, len plak asa...hehehe...
xda bnda lg mok d taip ne... ba, smpai cne jak k,,, nnti update lg..... bye2...